通识教育部department of general education |
姓名:刘仲林name: liu zhonglin 职称:特聘教授title: distinguished professor 专业领域:中西哲学与文化、科学史、创造学、交叉科学 areas of expertise: philosophy and culture of chinese and western, history of science, creatology, interdisciplinary science 受访语言:普通话 spoken language: mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 86 185 2263 0882 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:赵林name: zhao lin 职称:特聘教授title: distinguished professor 专业领域:西方文化概论、西方哲学、古希腊罗马文明、基督教文明史 areas of expertise: introduction to western culture, western philosophy, ancient civilization of greek and rome, history of christian civilization 受访语言:普通话 spoken language: mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 86 130 0635 2354 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:顾卫民name: gu weimin 职称:特聘教授title: distinguished professor 专业领域:基督教会历史、 西方在东方的殖民地历史、基督教艺术史 areas of expertise: history of christianity, history of western colonies in east, history of christian art 受访语言:普通话 spoken language: mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 86 138 1736 5778 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:许平name: xu ping 职称:特聘教授title: distinguished professor 专业领域:世界近现代史、欧洲史、法国史 areas of expertise: modern history of the world, european history, french history 受访语言:普通话 spoken language: mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 86 133 4116 0524 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:梁慧川name: leong wai chun 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:英美分析哲学、语言哲学、社会本体论、跨文化哲学 areas of expertise: analytic philosophy, philosophy of language, social ontology, intercultural philosophy 受访语言:广东话、普通话、英语 spoken language: cantonese, mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2830 电子邮件e-mail: |