医学院faculty of medicine |
姓名: 霍文逊 name: manson fok 职称:教授title: professor 职务:医学院院长、科大医院院长 position: dean of faculty of medicine, president of university hospital 专业领域:食道、上胃肠道疾病及血管疾病 areas of expertise: esophagus and upper gastrointestinal diseases and vascular diseases 受访语言:广东话、英语、普通话 spoken language: cantonese, english, mandarin 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名name: nivritti gajanan patil 职称:教授title: professor 职务:医学院副院长 position: vice dean 专业领域:外科学 areas of expertise: surgery 受访语言:英语 spoken language: english 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:张康name: zhang kang 职称:讲座教授title: chair professor 职务:副院长position: vice dean 专业领域:临床眼科学、人类遗传学、轩细胞研究、基因编辑、人工智能 areas of expertise: ophthalmology, human genetics, stem cell research, gene editing, artificial intelligence 受访语言:英语、普通话 spoken language: english, mandarin 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:韩守裕name: daniel baptista-hon 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 职务:医学院助理院长 position: assistant dean of faculty of medicine 专业领域:癌症生物学、药理学、神经科学、心脏生理学、转译医学、离子通道、阿片类镇痛药、膜片钳电生理学 areas of expertise: cancer biology, pharmacology, neuroscience, cardiac physiology, translational medicine, ion channels, opioid analgesics, patch-clamp electrophysiology 受访语言:英语、广东话 spoken language: english, cantonese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3319 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:肖 颖name: ying xiao 职称:教授title: professor 职务:食物与营养科学学士学位课程主任 position: program director of bachelor of food and nutritional sciences (bfns) 专业领域:营养与疾病、食品安全的风险评估、食品安全的毒理学评价 areas of expertise: nutrition and diseases, risk assessment in food safety, toxicology evaluation in food safety 受访语言:普通话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2607 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:林德明name: lawrence lam 职称:教授title: professor 职务:研究生学位课程主任 position: program director of postgraduate programs 专业领域:流行病学、医学统计学、公共卫生、心理健康 areas of expertise: epidemiology, medical statistics, public health, mental health 受访语言:英语、广东话 spoken language: english, cantonese 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:汤宁信name: brian tomlinson 职称:教授title: professor 专业领域:内科,临床药理,毒理学,高血压,脂类 areas of expertise: internal medicine, clinical pharmacology, toxicology, hypertension, lipids 受访语言:英语 spoken language: english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3312 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:钟金淑子name: sookja kim chong 职称:教授title: professor 专业领域:疾病的发病机制(基因工程小鼠) areas of expertise: pathogenesis of diseases (mouse genetic engineering) 受访语言:英语、韩语 spoken language: english, korean 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3314 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:郑彦铭name: gregory cheng 职称:教授title: professor 专业领域:免疫性血小板减少症、白血病、骨髓增生异常综合症、血栓、输血医学 areas of expertise: immune thrombocytopenia, immune thrombocytopenia, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, thombosis, transfusion medicine 受访语言:广东话、英语、普通话 spoken language: cantonese, english, mandarin 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名name: baeg gyeong hun 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:干细胞生物学、果蝇遗传学 areas of expertise: stem cell biology, drosophila genetics (fruit fly) 受访语言:英语、韩语、日语 spoken language: english, korean, japanese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1925 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:王玲name: wang ling 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:公共卫生、营养学、食品科学 areas of expertise: public health, nutrition, food science 受访语言:普通话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1716 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:陈严name: chen yan 职称:助理教授 (研究) title: assistant professor (research) 专业领域:小儿外科、免疫学 areas of expertise: pediatric surgery, immunology 受访语言:普通话、广东话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3318 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:于希name: yu xi 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:食品科技、食品安全、分析化学; 纳米科技、仪器分析 areas of expertise: laboratory medicine, immunology, clinical trial of medicines 受访语言:英语、普通话 spoken language: english, mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3316 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:钟恬name: zhong tian 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:食品科学 areas of expertise: food science 受访语言:普通话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1717 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:黄耀南name: wong io nam 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:生物化学、分子生物学、脱氧核糖核酸受伤修复 areas of expertise: biochemistry, molecular biology, dna damage repair 受访语言:广东话、英语、普通话 spoken language: cantonese, english, mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1776 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:莫永晖name: simon wing fai mok 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:免疫学,自身免疫性疾病,神经炎症,蛋白病 areas of expertise: immunology, autoimmune diseases, neuroinflammation, proteinopathy 受访语言:广东话、英语、普通话 spoken language: cantonese, english, mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3321 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:蒙梓棋name: olivia monteiro 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:临床和实验药理学;认知神经科学;行为神经科学;药物临床前发现;啮齿类动物模型;体外和体内电生理学 areas of expertise: clinical and experimental pharmacology; cognitive neuroscience; behavioural neuroscience; pre-clinical drug discovery; rodent models; in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology 受访语言:英语、广东话 spoken language: english, cantonese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3319 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:阳洋name: yang yang 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:线粒体蛋白稳态,神经代谢疾病模型 areas of expertise: mitochondrial protein homeostasis, neurological and metabolism diseases modeling 受访语言:普通话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3208 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:彭铧name: peng ye 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:食品化学与食品微生物学,营养学 areas of expertise: food chemistry and food microbiology, nutrition 受访语言:普通话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3228 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:冯可name: feng ke 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域: 食源性致病菌快速检测、鲜切果蔬保鲜技术、mrna药物研发 areas of expertise: rapid detection of foodborne pathogens, preservation technology of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, development of messenger rna drug 受访语言:普通话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 电子邮件e-mail: |