澳门海岸带生态环境国家野外科学观测研究站 national observation and research station of coastal ecological environments in macao |
姓名:马义兵name: ma yibing 职称:教授title: professor 职务:站长position: director 专业领域:环境化学、污染环境风险评价与修复、固体废弃物资源化利和管理 areas of expertise: environmental chemistry, risk assessment and remediation of contaminated environments, solid waste resource utilization and management 受访语言:普通话、英语 language spoken: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2926 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:陈国谦name: chen guoqian 职称:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 专业领域:可再生能源,计算流体力学与声学 areas of expertise: renewable energy, computational fluid dynamics and acoustics 受访语言:普通话、英语 language spoken: mandarin, english 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:龚山陵name: gong sunling 职称:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 专业领域: 大气污染和气象的交互作用、空气质量预警预报、大气气溶胶的理化过程模拟 areas of expertise: interaction between air pollution and meteorology, forecasting of ambient air quality, simulation of the physicochemical process in atmospheric aerosol 受访语言:普通话 spoken language: mandarin 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:王兆印name: wang zhaoyin 职称:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 专业领域:河流水生态及生态修复 areas of expertise: river ecosystem and ecological restoration 受访语言:普通话 spoken language: mandarin 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:宋庆彬name: song qingbin 职称:副教授title:associate professor 职务:课程主任position: program director 专业领域:环境工程、固体废弃物管理、环境影响评价 areas of expertise: environmental engineering, solid waste management, environmental impact assessment 受访语言:普通话 language spoken: mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3041 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:游燕name: you yan 职称:助理教授title:assistant professor 专业领域:环境化学、大气污染评价与控制,可持续发展 areas of expertise: environmental chemistry, air pollution assessment and control, sustainable development 受访语言:普通话 language spoken: mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3041 电子邮件e-mail: |