太空科学研究所、月球与行星科学国家重点实验室 ssi - space science institute / state key laboratory of lunar and planetary sciences |
姓名:宗秋刚name: zong qiugang 职称:讲座教授title: chair professor 职务:所长/实验室主任position: director 专业领域:太空物理学,空间探测,行星磁层物理 areas of expertise: space physics, space exploration, planetary magnetospheric physics 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2242 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:张小平name: zhang xiaoping 职称:教授title: professor 职务:副所长/实验室副主任position: deputy director 专业领域:行星尘埃及辐射环境 areas of expertise: planetary dust and radiation environment 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1962 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:祝梦华name: zhu menghua 职称:教授title: professor 职务:副所长/实验室副主任position: deputy director 专业领域:太阳系撞击过程 areas of expertise: impact cratering process of the solar system 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2024 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:倪冬冬name: ni dongdong 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:气态巨行星内部结构,火星地下水冰 areas of expertise: internal structure of gas giant planets, subsurface ground ice on mars 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2245 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:徐晓军name: xu xiaojun 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:月球、金星、火星、水星空间环境 areas of expertise: space environment of the moon, venus, mars, and mercury 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1985 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:徐懿name: xu yi 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:浅表层结构,雷达信号处理,地貌分析 areas of expertise: gpr signal analysis, planetary surface process, planetary geology 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1993 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名name: andré guimarães lemos antunes 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:天体生物学,极端环境微生物学,地球微生物学 areas of expertise: astrobiology, microbiology of extreme environments, geomicrobiology 受访语言:英语,葡萄牙语 spoken language: english, portuguese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3035 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名name: david carlos fernandez remolar 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:天体生物学,地球生物学,天文地质学 areas of expertise: astrobiology, geobiology, astrogeology 受访语言:英语,西班牙语 spoken language: english, spanish 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3034 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:周剑超name: chow kim chiu 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:火星大气 areas of expertise: atmosphere of mars 受访语言:粤语,普通话,英语 spoken language: cantonese, mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2248 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:蔡涛name: cai tao 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:巨行星大气环流,木星振动 areas of expertise: global circulation model, jovian oscillation 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3027 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:丁忞name: ding min 职称:副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:岩石圈动力学,断层和地震,垂力和测地学 areas of expertise: lithospheric dynamics, faults and earthquakes, gravity and geodesy 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3032 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名name: roberto bugiolacchi 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:月球地质学,行星地质学 areas of expertise: lunar geology, planetary geology 受访语言:英语, 意大利语 spoken language: english, italian 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1915 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名name: marta filipa jesus de freitas simões 职称:助理教授 title: assistant professor 专业领域:天体生物学,微生物学,天体真菌学,应用真菌学 areas of expertise: astrobiology, microbiology, astromycology, applied mycology 受访语言:英语,葡萄牙语 spoken language: english, portuguese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1744 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:邓志培name: tang chi pui 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:陨石,第一性原理模拟计算,矿物相图 areas of expertise: meteorites, dft, phase diagrams 受访语言:粤语,普通话,英语 spoken language: cantonese, mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1923 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:区家明name: ou jiaming 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:地磁场建模,空间物理 areas of expertise: geomagnetic field modelling, space physics 受访语言:普通话,粤语,英语 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3273 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:杜培鑫name: du peixin 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:比较行星学与行星地质学(行星表面物质组分分析及相关古环境反演),天体化学,矿物学 areas of expertise: comparative planetary science, planetary geology, astrochemistry, mineralogy 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3079 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:金子梁name: jin ziliang 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:天体化学,离子探针 areas of expertise: cosmochemistry, ion probe 受访语言:普通话,英语,德语 spoken language: mandarin, english, german 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:许文韬name: man-to hui 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:活泼小行星、彗星、近日小天体及海王外天体动力学及物理性质,考古天文学及天文学历史 areas of expertise: dynamics and physical properties of active asteroids, comets, near-sun objects ank kbos, archeoastronomy and history of astronomy 受访语言:普通话,粤语,英语 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:邹正洋name: zou zhengyang 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:地球辐射带动力学 areas of expertise: dynamics of the earth's radiation belt 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:刘晶name: liu jing 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:天体化学,纳米地球科学,矿物学 areas of expertise: cosmochemistry, nanogeoscience, mineralogy 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3204 e-mail 电子邮: |
姓名:陆阳予name: lu yangyu 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:冲击动力学,行星撞击坑 areas of expertise: impact dynamics, planetary impact crater 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3207 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:肖静name: xiao jing 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:火星大气数值模拟 areas of expertise: atmosphere of mars 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3209 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:申振宁name: shen zhenning 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:空间物理,空间天气 areas of expertise: space physics, space weather 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3001 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:高英杰name: gao yingjie 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:地球物理学,地震学 areas of expertise: geophysics, seismology 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3104 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:赵勇 name: zhao yong 职称:助理教授 title: assistant prof. 专业领域:行星大气 areas of expertise: planetary atmosphere 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3102 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:傅帅name: fu shuai 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:空间物理 areas of expertise: space physics 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3103 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:周梓露name:zhou zilu 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:太阳风,磁场重联 areas of expertise: solar wind, magnetic reconnection 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3227 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:徐璐媛name: xu luyuan 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:行星遥感,行星地质 areas of expertise: planetary remote sensing, planetary geology 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3205 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:左红燕name: zuo hongyan 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:行星矿物学和矿物微生物 areas of expertise: planetary minerals and geomicrobiology 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3206 电子邮件e-mail: |