国际学院university international college |
姓名: 张洪明 name: zhang hongming 职称:讲座教授title: chair professor 职务:院长 position: dean 专业领域: 汉语语言学、音系学、历史语言学、比较诗律学、第二语言教学、国际汉语教育 areas of expertise: chinese linguistics, phonology, historical linguistics, comparative studies of poetic forms, second language teaching, international chinese education 受访语言: 普通话、英语、上海话 spoken language: mandarin, english, and shanghai dialect 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2935 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:王婷 name:wang ting 职称:助理教授title:assistant professor 职务:助理院长job role:assistant dean 专业领域: 语言经济学,西班牙语教学,西班牙社会与文化 等 areas of expertise:the economics of the language, spanish as sl teaching, spanish cultural and society, etc. 受访语言: 普通话、西语、英语 language spoken:mandarin, spanish and english 联络电话contact no.: 853 88971976 电子邮件email: |
姓名: 胡波 name: hu bo 职称: 副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:语言学 areas of expertise: linguistics 受访语言: 中文/英文 spoken language: chinese/english 联络电话contact no.: 853 68264986 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:宋灏岩name: song haoyan 职称:副教授title: associate professor 职务:本科课程主任 position: undergraduate program director 专业领域:跨文化研究,葡萄牙历史,澳门史,清史,西方音乐史,宗教史 areas of expertise: cross-cultural studies, history of portugal, history of macao, history of qing dynasty, history of western music, history of religions 受访语言:普通话、葡萄牙语、英语、粤语 spoken language: mandarin, portuguese, english, cantonese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2054 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名: name: 魏慧萍 职称: title: 副教授 专业领域: 国际中文教育、词汇学、创意写作 areas of expertise: teaching chinese as foreign language; lexicology; creative writing 受访语言: 中文/英文 spoken language: chinese / english 联络电话contact no.: 8897-1975 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名: 张静name: zhang jing 职称: 助理教授title: assistant professor 职务:研究生课程主任 position: postgraduate program director 专业领域:系统功能语言学,社会语言学,多模态话语分析,对外英语教学,国际高等教育研究 areas of expertise: systemic functional linguistics, sociolinguistics, multimodal studies, tesol, international higher education 受访语言:普通话,英语,温州话,上海话 spoken language: mandarin, english, wenzhou and shanghai dialects 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1778 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名: 韦卫name: wei wei 职称: 副教授title: associate professor 专业领域:计算机辅助与网络教学,教师专业发展与教学评估,教育测试与评估 areas of expertise: computer-assisted teaching and learning, teacher professional development and teaching performance evaluation, educational assessment 受访语言:英语,普通话 spoken language: english, mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 853 2899 0126 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:张雪name: zhang xue 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域: 语言学,句法学,语用学,社会语言学,第二语言习得 areas of expertise: semantics, syntax, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition 受访语言: 普通话,英语,粤语 spoken language: mandarin, english, cantonese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2397 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:赵海霞name: zhao haixia 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:文学理论批评,文化研究 ,中国古典小说,澳门文学研究 areas of expertise: literary theory and criticism, culture studies, the classic chinese novel, macao literature 受访语言:普通话、英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2346 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:余思亮 name: u si leong 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:文艺学、文学批评、澳门历史及文化、粤语电影 areas of expertise: literature and arts, literary criticism, macao history and culture, cantonese movies 受访语言:粤语、普通话 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2344 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名: 尤舒翔 name: you shuxiang 职称: 助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域:音系学、句法-音系接口、汉语方言学、国际汉语教育、语言习得 areas of expertise: phonology, phonology-syntax interface, chinese dialectology, international chinese education, language acquisition 受访语言: 普通话、英语、福州话 spoken language: mandarin, english, fuzhou dialect 联络电话contact no.: 853 88973212 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:郑应峰name: zheng ying feng 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 教研领域:华文戏剧、电影艺术、中国现当代文学 areas of expertise: chinese drama, cinematic art, modern and contemporary chinese literature 受访语言:普通话、粤语、英语 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2366 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:萧宝凤 name: xiao bao feng 职称:助理教授 title: assistant professor 专业领域:中国现当代文学;台港暨海外华文文学;华语电影;文艺美学 areas of expertise: modern and contemporary chinese literature, taiwan, hong kong and overseas literature, modern chinese cinema 受访语言:普通话 spoken language: mandarin 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2801 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名: 谢琴name: xie qin 职称: 助理教授 title: assistant professor 专业领域: 音系学,句法学,第二语言习得,传播学 areas of expertise: phonetics, syntax, second language acquisition, communication studies 受访语言: 普通话,英文 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 6358 1499 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:国墨name: guo mo 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域: 葡萄牙17 世纪彩陶,葡萄牙艺术,中国外销瓷,跨文化研究 areas of expertise: 17th century portuguese faience, portuguese art, chinese export porcelain, cross-cultural studies 受访语言:普通话,葡萄牙语 spoken language: mandarin, portuguese 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2055 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:徐兆星name: xu zhaoxing 职称: 助理教授 title: assistant professor 专业领域: 翻译学,语用学,文体学、对比语言学、认知与语言习得、语言教育、社会语言学、法律语言学 areas of expertise: translation studies, pragmatics, stylistics, contrastive linguistics, cognition and language acquisition , language education, sociolinguistics, forensic linguistics 受访语言:汉语,英语 spoken language: chinese, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2815 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:陈烨华name: chen yehua 职称: 助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域: 翻译研究、西语文学、中拉关系 areas of expertise: translation studies, hispanic literature, china-latin america relations 受访语言: 普通话、西语、英语 spoken language: mandarin, spanish, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 2991 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:胡秋冉name: hu qiuran 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域: 乔伊斯研究、叙述学、西方文学、比较文学 areas of expertise: james joyce studies, narratology, western literature, comparative literature 受访语言: 普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3914 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:张家维name: zhang jiawei (april) 职称:助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域: 应用语言学,语言测评,语言教学,语言动机,教师职业发展与培训 areas of expertise: applied linguistics, language assessment, language teaching and learning, language motivation, teacher professional development 受访语言:普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 3450 电子邮件e-mail: |
姓名:陈曦name: chen xi 职称: 助理教授title: assistant professor 专业领域: 多模态语篇分析, 翻译研究, 图画书研究, 跨文化研究 areas of expertise: multimodal discourse analysis, translation studies, picturebook studies, cross-cultural studies 受访语言: 普通话,英语 spoken language: mandarin, english 联络电话contact no.: 853 8897 1732 电子邮件e-mail: |