- x. b. zhu, w. pedrycz, z. w. li, granular representation of data: a design of families of epsilon-information granules, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems. vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 2107-2119, aug 2018.
- z. he, z. w. li, a. giua, performance optimization for timed weighted marked graphs under infinite server semantics, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 2573-2580, aug 2018.
- j. h. ye, m. c. zhou, z. w. li, a. al-ahmari, structural decomposition and decentralized control of petri nets, ieee transactions on systems, man, cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1360-1369, aug 2018.
- x. y. cong, m. p. fanti, a. m. mangini, z. w. li, on-line verification of current-state opacity by petri nets and integer linear programming, automatica, vol. 94, pp. 205-213, aug 2018.
- g. d. tian, h. h. zhang, m. c. zhou, z. w. li, ahp, gray correlation, and topsis combined approach to green performance evaluation of design alternatives, ieee transactions on systems, man, cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1093-1105, jul 2018.
- h. grichi, o. mosbahi, m. khalgui, z. w. li, new power-oriented methodology for dynamic resizing and mobility of reconfigurable wireless sensor networks, ieee transactions on systems, man, cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1120-1130, jul 2018.
- z. t. li, j. liu, k. wu, a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on structural and attribute similarities for community detection in attributed networks, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1963-1976, jul 2018.
- s. ben meskina, n. doggaz, m. khalgui, z. w. li, reconfiguration-based methodology for improving recovery performance of faults in smart grids, information sciences, vol. 454, pp. 73-95, jul 2018.
- m. gasmi, o. mosbahi, m. khalgui, l. gomes, z. w. li, r-node: new pipelined approach for an effective reconfigurable wireless sensor node, ieee transactions on systems, man, cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 892-905, jun 2018.
- y. tong, z. w. li, c. seatzu, a. giua, current-state opacity enforcement in discrete event systems under incomparable observations, discrete event dynamic systems-theory and applications, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 161-182, jun 2018.
- h. r. ren, x. j. liao, z. w. li, a. ai-ahmari, anomaly detection using piecewise aggregate approximation in the amplitude domain, applied intelligence, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 1097-1110, may 2018.
- y. p. fu, g. d. tian, z. w. li, z. l. wang, parallel machine scheduling with dynamic resource allocation via a master-slave genetic algorithm, ieej transactions on electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 748-756, may 2018.
- h. r. ren, m. m. liu, x. j. liao, l. liang, z. x. ye, z. w. li, anomaly detection in time series based on interval sets, ieej transactions on electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 757-762, may 2018.
- y. x. feng, z. x. hong, g. d. tian, z. w. li, j. r. tan, h. s. hu, environmentally friendly mcdm of reliability-based product optimisation combining dematel-based anp, interval uncertainty and vlse kriterijumska optimizacija kompromisno resenje (vikor), information sciences, vol. 442, pp. 128-144, may 2018.
- h. c. liu, x. luan, z. w. li, j. n. wu, linguistic petri nets based on cloud model theory for knowledge representation and reasoning, ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 717-728, apr 2018.
- x. y. zhang, m. uzam, z. w. li, n. q. wu, on the synthesis of liveness-enforcing supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems using global idle places, ima journal of mathematical control and information, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 165-182, mar 2018.
- x. wang, z. w. li, w. m. wonham, priority-free conditionally-preemptive scheduling of modular sporadic real-time systems, automatica, vol. 89, pp. 392-397, mar 2018.
- x. wang, y. qiao, n. q. wu, z. w. li, t. qu, on optimization of thermal sensation satisfaction rate and energy efficiency of public rooms: a case study, journal of cleaner production, vol. 176, pp. 990-998, mar 2018.
- z. w. li, m. c. zhou, n. q. wu, y. s. huang, special issue on modeling, simulation, operation and control of discrete event systems, applied sciences-basel, vol. 8, no. 2, feb 2018.
- m. bashir, d. liu, m. uzam, n. q. wu, a. al-ahmari, z. w. li, optimal enforcement of liveness to flexible manufacturing systems modeled with petri nets via transition-based controllers, advances in mechanical engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, jan 29 2018.
- z. y. ma, z. he, z. w. li, a. giua, design of monitor-based supervisors in labelled petri nets, ifac papersonline, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 374-380, 2018.
- a. sohail, l. sherin, s. i. butt, s. javed, z. w. li, s. iqbal, o. a. be'g, role of key players in paradigm shifts of prostate cancer bone metastasis, cancer management and research, vol. 10, pp. 1619-1626, 2018.
- j. f. zhang, g. frey, a. al-ahmari, t. qu, n. q. wu, z. w. li, analysis and control of dynamic reconfiguration processes of manufacturing systems, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 28028-28040, 2018.
- h. r. ren, x. x. li, z. w. li, w. pedrycz, data representation based on interval-sets for anomaly detection in time series, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 27473-27479, 2018.
- h. chniter, y. t. li, m. khalgui, a. koubaa, z. w. li, f. jarray, multi-agent adaptive architecture for flexible distributed real-time systems, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 23152-23171, 2018.
- x. y. zhang, q. j. du, s. l. ma, h. h. geng, w. j. hu, z. w. li, g. q. liu, permeance analysis and calculation of the double-radial rare-earth permanent mag voltage-stabilizing generation device, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 23939-23947, 2018.
- y. z. qiang, g. d. tian, y. m. liu, z. w. li, energy-efficiency models of sustainable urban transportation structure optimization, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 18192-18199, 2018.
- i. ghribi, r. ben abdallah, m. khalgui, z. w. li, k. alnowibet, m, platzner, r-codesign: codesign methodology for real-time reconfigurable embedded systems under energy constraints, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 14078-14092, 2018.
- l. yin, z. w. li, n. q. wu, s. g. wang, t. qu, fault diagnosis in partially observed petri nets using redundancies, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 7541-7556, 2018.
- x. y. cong, y. f. chen, z. w. li, n. q. wu, e. a. nasr, a. m. el-tamimi, optimal petri net supervisors of discrete event systems via weighted and data inhibitor arcs, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 8245-8257, 2018.
- w. housseyni, o, mosbahi, m. khalgui, z. w. li, l. yin, multiagent architecture for distributed adaptive scheduling of reconfigurable real-time tasks with energy harvesting constraints, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 2068-2084, 2018.
- h. f. jia, q. li, g. d. tian, m. c. zhou, z. w. li, random fuzzy cost-profit equilibrium model for locating a discrete service enterprise, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 4387-4394, 2018.
- x. y. cong, c. gu, m. uzam, y. f. chen, a. m. al-ahmari, n. q. wu, m. c. zhou, z. w. li, design of optimal petri net supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems via weighted inhibitor arcs, asian journal of control, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 511-530, jan 2018.
- h. m. zhang, l. feng, n. q. wu, z. w. li, integration of learning-based testing and supervisory control for requirements conformance of black-box reactive systems, ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 2-15, jan 2018.
- d. s. li, c. y. zhang, g. d. tian, x. y. shao, z. w. li, multiobjective program and hybrid imperialist competitive algorithm for the mixed-model two-sided assembly lines subject to multiple constraints, ieee transactions on systems, man, cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 119-129, jan 2018.
- d. a. zaitsev, z. w. li, on simulating turing machines with inhibitor petri nets, ieej transactions on electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 147-156, jan 2018.
- o. karoui, m. khalgui , y. f. chen, n. q. wu, ateekh-ur-rehman, u. umer, state space characterization of disjunctive single-unit resource allocation systems, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 51515-51527, 2018.
- s. h. teng, n. q. wu, h. b. zhu, l. y. teng, and w. zhang, svm–dt–based adaptive and collaborative intrusion detection, ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica, vol. 5, no. 1, 108-118, jan. 2018.
- f. j. yang, n. q. wu, y. qiao, and m. c. zhou, polynomial approach to optimal one-wafer cyclic scheduling of treelike hybrid multi-cluster tools via petri nets, ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica, vol. 5, no. 1, 270-280, jan. 2018.
- n. q. wu, z. w. li, k. barkaoui, x. li, t. murata, and m. c. zhou, iot-based smart and complex systems: a guest editorial report, ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica, vol. 5, no. 1, 69-73, jan. 2018.
- y. s. an, n. q. wu, x. m. zhao, x. li, and p. chen, hierarchical colored petri nets for modeling and analysis of transit signal priority control system, applied sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, paper no. 141: 1-24, jan. 2018.
- x. wang, n. q. wu, y. qiao, and q. b. song, assessment of energy saving practices of hospitality industry in macau, sustainability, vol. 10, no. 1, paper no. 255: 1-14, jan. 2018.
- f. j. yang, n. q. wu, y. qiao, and m. c. zhou, optimal one-wafer cyclic scheduling of hybrid multirobot cluster tools with tree topology, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 2, 289-298, feb. 2018.
- f. j. yang, n. q. wu, y. qiao, m. c. zhou, r. su, and t. qu, petri net-based efficient determination of optimal schedule for transport-dominant single-arm multi-cluster tools, ieee access, vol. 6, no. 1, 355-365, feb. 2018.
- q. h. zhu, m. c. zhou, y. qiao, and n. q. wu, petri net modeling and scheduling of a close-down process for time-constrained single-arm cluster tools, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 3, 389-400, mar. 2018.
- q. su, f. he, n. q. wu, and z. y. lin, a method for construction of software protection technology application sequence based on petri net with inhibitor arcs, ieee access, vol.6, no. 1, 11968-12000, mar. 2018.
- y. qiao, n. q. wu, f. j. yang, m. c. zhou, and q. h. zhu, wafer sojourn time fluctuation analysis of time-constrained dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting and activity time variation, ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 4, 622-636, apr. 2018.
- c. r. pan, m. c. zhou, y. qiao, and n. q. wu, scheduling cluster tools in semiconductor manufacturing: recent advances and challenges, ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, 586-601, apr. 2018.
- f. j. yang, n. q. wu, k. z. gao, c. j. zhang, y. t. zhou, r. su, and y. qiao, efficient approach to cyclic scheduling of single-arm cluster tools with chamber cleaning operations and wafer residency time constraint, ieee transactions on semiconductor manufacturing, vol. 31, no. 2, 196-205, may 2018.
- n. q. wu, t. nishi, and m. uzam, modeling, scheduling, and control in advanced production systems, advances in mechanical engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, 1-3, jun. 2018.
- x. luo, m. c. zhou, s. li, and m, shang, an inherently nonnegative latent factor model for high-dimensional and sparse matrices from industrial applications, ieee transactions on industrial informatics, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 2011-2022, may 2018.
- l. li, x. lin, m. c. zhou, and l. fu, sociability-based influence diffusion probability model to evaluate influence of bbs post, neurocomputing, vol. 293, pp. 18–28, march 2018.
- q. kang, x. chen, s. li, and m. c. zhou, a noise-filtered under-sampling scheme for imbalanced classification, ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 4263 – 4274, dec. 2018.
- y. guo, x. hu, b. hu, j. cheng, m. c. zhou and r. y. k. kwok, mobile cyber physical systems: current challenges and future networking applications, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 12360-12368, 2018.
- p. zhang and m. c. zhou, dynamic cloud task scheduling based on a two-stage strategy, ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 772-783, april 2018.
- p. zhang, y. kong, and m. c. zhou, a domain partition-based trust model for unreliable clouds, ieee transactions on information forensics security, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 2167-2178, sept. 2018.
- p. zhang, m. c. zhou and g. fortino, security and trust issues in fog computing: a survey, future generation computer systems, vol. 88, pp. 16-27, november 2018.
- z. ning, x. hu, z. chen, m. c. zhou, b. hu, j. cheng, m. s. obaidat, a cooperative quality-aware service access system for social internet of vehicles, ieee internet of things journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2506 – 2517, aug. 2018.
- b. h. lin and z. y. yin, the cauchy problem for a generalized camassa-holm equation with the velocity potential, applicable analysis, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 354-367, 2018.
- w. luo and z. y. yin, gevrey regularity and analyticity for camassa-holm type systems, the annali della scuola normale superiore di pisa, classe di scienze, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1061–1079, 2018.
- r. d. zheng and z. y. yin, global weak solutions for a two-component camassa-holm system with an arbitrary smooth function, applicable analysis, vol. 97, no. 12, pp. 2085–2096, 2018.
- j. l. li and z. y. yin, global well-posedness for the viscous shallow water system with korteweg type, applicable analysis, vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 2865-2879, 2018.
- mutarraf, k. barkaoui, z. w. li, n. q. wu, and t. qu, transformation of business process model and notation models onto petri nets and their analysis, advances in mechanical engineering, vol. 10, no. 12, 1-21, dec. 2018.
- gu, z. w. li, n. q. wu, m. khalgui, t. qu, and a. al-ahmari, improved multi-step look-ahead control policies for automated manufacturing systems, ieee access, vol. 6, no. 1, 68824-68838, dec. 2018.
- s. an, n. q. wu, and p. chen, short-term scheduling of vehicle testing system using object petri net, ieee access, vol. 6, no. 1, 61317-61330, dec. 2018.
- karoui, m. khalgui, y. f. chen, n. q. wu, a. rehman, and u. umer, state space characterization of disjunctive single-unit resource allocation systems, ieee access, vol. 6, no. 1, 51515-51527, dec. 2018.
- y. liu, p. li, n. q. wu, and l. yin, two-step approach to robust deadlock control in automated manufacturing systems with multiple resource failures, journal of the chinese institute of engineers, vol. 41, no. 4, 484-494, oct. 2018.
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- y. jiang, z. w. li, n. q. wu, and m. c. zhou, a petri net approach to fault diagnosis and restoration for power transmission systems to avoid the output interruption of substations, ieee systems journal, vol. 12, no. 3, 2566-2579, sep. 2018.
- ye, c.c. liu, z.w. li, a. ai-ahmari, improved frame-by-frame object pose tracking in complex environments, multimedia tools and applications, vol. 77, no. 19, 24983-25004, oct. 2018.
- cong, m.p. fanti, a.m. mangini, z.w. li, decentralized diagnosis by perti nets and integer linear programming, ieee transactions on systems, man, & cybernetics: systems, vol. 48, no. 10, 1689-1700, oct. 2018.
- zhu, w. pedrycz, z.w. li, a desing of granular takagi-sugeno fuzzy model through the synergy of fuzzy subspace clustering and optimal allocation of information granularity, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, vol. 26, no. 5, 2499-2509, oct. 2018.
- ben ahmed, o. mosbahi, m. khalgui, z.w. li, toward a new methodology for an efficient test of reconfigurable hardware systems, ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, vol. 15, no. 4, 1864-1882, oct. 2018.
- zhang, l. feng, z.w. li, a learning-based synthesis approach to the supremal nonblocking supervisor of discrete-event systems, ieee transactions on automatic control, vol. 63, no. 10, 3345-3360, oct. 2018.
- zhu, z.w. li, n.q. wu, model-based fault identification of discrete event systems using paritially observed petri nets, automatica, vol. 96, 201-212, oct. 2018.
- jiang, m. khalgui, a. ai-ahmari, z.w. li, n.q. wu, m.c. zhou, automatic sypervisory control for the self-healing of smart grids based on colored petri nets, ieej transactions on electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 13, no. 11, 1612-1623, nov. 2018.
- zhu, w. pedrycz, z.w. li, granular models and granular outliers, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, vol. 26, no. 6, 3835-3846, dec. 2018.
- sohail, f. chighoub, z.w. li, spectral analysis of the stochastic time-fractional-kdv equation, alexandria engineering journal, vol. 57, no. 4, dec. 2018.
- sohail, o.a. beg, z.w. li, s. celik, physics of fractional imaging in biomedicine, progress in biophysics & molecular biology, vol. 140, 13-20, dec. 2018.
- gao, w.s. chen, z.w. li, j. li, event-triggered cooperative learning from output feedback control for multi-agent systems, neurocomputing, vol. 322, 70-79, dec. 2018.
- liu, l.e. wang, z.w. li, y.p. hu, improving risk evaluation in fmea with cloud model and hierarchical topsis method, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, vol. 27, no. 1. 84-95, jan. 2018.
- li, y. xia, m. zhou, x. sun, and q. zhu, “fluctuation-aware and predictive workflow scheduling in cost-effective infrastructure-as-a-service clouds,” ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 61488–61502, 2018.
- kang, l. shi, m. c. zhou, x. wang, q. wu, and z. wei, “a distance-based weighted undersampling scheme for support vector machines and its application to imbalanced classification,” ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(9), pp. 4152 – 4165, sept. 2018.
- li, m. zhou, and x. luo, “modified primal-dual neural networks for motion control of redundant manipulators with dynamic rejection of harmonic noises,” ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(10), pp. 4791 - 4801, oct. 2018.
- luan, g. liu, c. jiang, and m. c. zhou, “mptr: a maximal-marginal-relevance-based personalized trip recommendation method,” ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 19(11), pp. 3461-3474, 2018.
- zhang, m. zhou and g. fortino, "security and trust issues in fog computing: a survey," future generation computer systems, vol. 88, pp. 16-27, november 2018.
- kang, x. chen, s. li, and m. c. zhou, “a noise-filtered under-sampling scheme for imbalanced classification,” ieee transactions on cybernetics, 47(12), pp. 4263 – 4274, dec. 2018.
- xuya; chen, yufeng; li, zhiwu; wu, naiqi; nasr, emad abouel; el-tamimi, abdulaziz mohammed, optimal petri net supervisors of discrete event systems via weighted and data inhibitor arcs, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 8245-8257, 2018.
- karoui, mohamed khalgui, yufeng chen, naiqi wu, ateekh-ur rehman, usama umer, state space characterization of disjunctive single-unit resource allocation systems, ieee access, vol. 6, pp. 51515 - 51527, 2018.
- wang, h. liu, kz gao, j.x. zhang, a multi-species artificial bee colony algorithm and its applications for crowd simulation, ieee access, 7: 2549-2558, dec 2018.